Odlična majica, dober hitrosušeč material, se zelo dobro prilega. Primerna tako za hike kot vsakodnevno nošenje, je zelo udobna.
I love these socks! Really warm and crusioned perfectly, so they stay on place.
Budući da mi je ovo prva kupovina na ovoj sajtu, ugodno sam se iznenadila udobnošću ovih tajica. Veličina je savršena što mi se obično ne događa kod drugih proizvođača kod kojih sam uvijek zbunjena krojevima i veličinama i nikad ne odaberem onu koja u potpunosti odgovara. Veselim se isprobati ih uskoro i vidjeti kako se ponašaju na terenu i koliko će trajati.
Puliji so neverjetni. Perfektno prileganje in vrhunski kroj! Nežen in hkrati topel materjal. Jaz vsakič komaj čakam, da ga oblečem:-)
The socks are comfortable and warm, the cushioning makes them very comfy to wear. Also, the fit is very good!
My favorite outdoor leggings for work (dog training) and hiking. I already have one in black so this is my second pair. They are comfortable and made of strong material. With this one there was a problem with the string around the waist. Contact about this problem went quickly and to my satifaction. I sent them back for repair and hope to receive them back quickly.
Odlično prilegajoča, topla majica. Dobra izbira za vmesno plast pri zunanjih športnih aktivnostih.
This sweater is great for straight stick bodies, not for women with breasts and hips (even of “normal” size). I was disappointed. Garment fabric was great though- it’s just the slender cut that was not.
Lep in lahek flis, edino številke so večje - običajno nosim zgornji del M, tokrat pa sem pulover zamenjala za velikost S, ki mi bolj ustreza.
Zelo udoben, topel, rumena barva mi je takoj padla v oči, vsestranski
Best purchase ever. I would buy it in all colors. I have the green one too
Lepa, mehka in funkcionalna majica. 😍 Uporabljam jo med športom in tudi evey day. Merino mi je všeč, ker ne dobi vonja, lepo odvaja vlago, se posuši na tebi med športom in te hkrati ne hladi. Zadovoljna.
I bought the color cobalt blue.
The actual color looks much more like “dark navy” (like momentum sweater), but i do not mind at all!
They give me good support on my toes & heels, and i am literally walking around like a “happy feet penguin” ;-)
This color is a bit darker than on the picture, it looks more bluethan light blue.
But still my favorite color of 3 sweaters i bought ;-)
I’m hoping that there will be more different colors availabe like green, orange, red…
As i wrote my reviewof eclipse, the quality is just great!
The color dark navy is exacly the same as on the picture.
In case you are between two sizes, i strongly recommend to buy a size smaller if you want to wear this sweater for running / cycling.
First of all, it was not my idea of buying this sweater, but my partner in crime ;-) and i am so happy i did!
I’m a passionate runner & cyclist so i already own many fleeces & sweaters. But so far, nothing beats this sweater!
I can not describe how great it feels on my skin and the quality of this sweater is insanely good. The material feels & looks quite dense which it keeps you very warm even in a windy weather condition.
I bought the color sand, copper and khaki.
In case someone worries about this color that it would look more masculine, please don’t worry ;-) This khaki color does not look like “military-ish”, but more like “grey with a little bit of green tint”.
This color matches with my summit & thermo leggings perfectly!
I received this t-shirts today (this is my 3rd purchase already!) and I was so amazed by colors. They look MUCH MORE BEAUTIFUL than on the pictures! They also feel so smooth on my skin and extremely light. Its VERY stretchy so you won’be disappointed if you choose a size smaller: on the contrary, it’s ideal if you’re a passionate runner & cyclist like me!
These shirts will be my buddy for my daily running & cycling from now on, as they protect me from UV.
The color “sand” looks more like champagne-color in the sunlight,which I love the most ;-)
I received this t-shirts today (this is my 3rd purchase already!) and I was so amazed by colors. They look MUCH MORE BEAUTIFUL than on the pictures! They also feel so smooth on my skin and extremely light. Its VERY stretchy so you won’be disappointed if you choose a size smaller: on the contrary, it’s ideal if you’re a passionate runner & cyclist like me!
These shirts will be my buddy for my daily running & cycling from now on, as they protect me from UV.
These pants are my first Alpine Nation product. I ordered them based on the described uses. I haven't been able to test them in the depths of winter yet, but I wore them at ~ 4 degrees Celsius at the daily dog Walks. They are truly windproof and very comfortable. I'm 168cm tall and weigh 57kg. I ordered size M, which was recommended according to the size chart. They fit perfectly!